Rabbi Chaim Neiditch WINS Shark Tank!

Our very own Executive Director, Rabbi Chaim Neiditch, WON SHARK TANK! (Based on the ABC hit show, Shark Tank).

This video has three parts: 1. Rabbi Chaim Neiditch’s Pitch, 2. The Sharks’ Questions, and 3. Deliberation/Announcement of the Winner.

Rabbi Chaim Neiditch was one of six entrepreneurs pitching their nonprofit Jewish ventures to Bernie Marcus (co-founder of Home Depot), Laurie Ann Goldman (CEO of Spanx), and Michael Kogon (founder and CEO of Definition 6) to win the proceeds of the admission cost from the event.

They pitched in front of a live audience of 300+ people who could also donate “Shark Bucks,” money from the sharks to be donated BY the audience. (Audience members each received $50 in Shark Bucks when they walked in, to be placed in the “fish bowls” of whichever organization they chose). Audience members could also text their own pledges.

This is a BIG WIN for JSU!